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June 20, 2012
The Art of Picture Wall
June 20, 2012

It occupies the majority of space in your home. Unless the client can really live with an ALL WHITE minimal interior, we are consistently thinking of ways to decorate them. Feature color? Brick wall? Cement? Wood and Veneer? Or simply a nice wall paper?

One of the easier and relatively cheaper ways is to decorate it with different pictures and posters. But of course, like everything else, it takes time and a little bit of taste to master the beauty of it.

So, let us give you a few tips on doing a nice picture wall. Have fun with it!
1. Consistent black frames at eye level.
2. Different frames with simple content filling up the whole wall.
3. ONE gigantic hero poster.
4. Different art frames covering the whole wall. Don’t try this unless you are really sure.
5. This is my favorite. Nice and clean pictures mixing with other decor items, leaving a lot of breathing space around.
6. Or, how about this famous Fornasetti plate wall decor?


Our scope of work includes interior and furniture design, interior styling, renovation and project management.
We also help clients source furniture, lights and decorative accessories from around the world.
If you are interested in our comprehensive one-stop design-and-build service, please get in touch with us.
Our scope of work includes interior and furniture design,
interior styling, renovation and project management.
We also help clients source furniture, lights and decorative
accessories from around the world.
If you are interested in our comprehensive one-stop
design-and-build service, please get in touch with us.