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Modern Classic
Pok Fu Lam,
Date of Completion
August 2018
Everyone is afraid of having a dark flooring, as it will make the space feel gloomy and small. But if there is enough ambient light, it won’t.

For this 3 bedroom modern family home, it is exactly the dark espresso color flooring that set the tone, accented with beige panelling and molding for a modern classic English style. We added a nice feature in each area: an artistic TV wall tile, matching son’s and daughter’s bedroom wallpapers, a terrazzo master bathroom for adults and a playful neon gridline themed guest bathroom for the kids.

Sit back, and indulge yourself in seaside elegance.


Our scope of work includes interior and furniture design, interior styling, renovation and project management.
We also help clients source furniture, lights and decorative accessories from around the world.
If you are interested in our comprehensive one-stop design-and-build service, please get in touch with us.
Our scope of work includes interior and furniture design,
interior styling, renovation and project management.
We also help clients source furniture, lights and decorative
accessories from around the world.
If you are interested in our comprehensive one-stop
design-and-build service, please get in touch with us.