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Modern Classic
Date of Completion
December 2021
It is a very unique project to design connecting flats, not 2, but 4. As this is the home for a couple and their lovely cats, spacing planning wise it is very simple. On one end, the bigger 2 flats are combined and turned into his and her private suites, their spacious living room and shared study. The transit hallway is now the pantry and home of the cutie kittens. The smaller 2 flats on the other end are also connected to make room for an expanded open kitchen, their common dining room, a piano lounge and the helper’s area. There is even a private gym, overlooking Lion Rock, the symbol of Hong Kong. That is exactly the reason they chose this location to build their city home many many years ago.

While a lot has changed, we are still HongKongers no matter what happened. Together, and united as one.


Our scope of work includes interior and furniture design, interior styling, renovation and project management.
We also help clients source furniture, lights and decorative accessories from around the world.
If you are interested in our comprehensive one-stop design-and-build service, please get in touch with us.
Our scope of work includes interior and furniture design,
interior styling, renovation and project management.
We also help clients source furniture, lights and decorative
accessories from around the world.
If you are interested in our comprehensive one-stop
design-and-build service, please get in touch with us.